Tabris Tse

全菲林拍攝的櫻花之旅 (1) SOLARIS 100,400

還記得第一次的東京賞櫻之旅 選擇了全菲林拍攝 手持多部菲林相機、一共拍攝了21卷菲林 為的就是不同菲林在不同的曝光程度及沖洗方法 有著無加工的化學作用產生的色彩 剛下機,看到好天氣,第一卷放進相機內的是 SOLARIS 100 這卷來自義大利製造的菲林特性是偏色 在日本拍櫻花用它便可拍出那種淡淡的日系感...


來自各地的桌上五物 左上 金魚蠟燭 來自於台灣,購自Pinkoi 市集的金魚蠟燭,每一個蠟燭都是人手手工制造的,光是金魚系列便有好幾個形態,後來出的新版本還會有蓬蓬鼓起的下眼瞼水泡。網站寫著燒起上來會有淡淡的白桃味,不過我實在不捨得拿來燃點呢,還是放著當桌飾好了。後來發現那間店有出過暴龍蠟燭,不過已經斷市了&#...

Tabris Tse

Tabris’ Bachelor of Design studies at Swinburne University of Technology laid a solid foundation for all his current design work, especially in graphic design, photography and video editing. He trots the globe with film cameras and take photos for his travel & photography blog. A sense of peace is embodied in his photography pieces. Besides landscape during travels, he is also an independent photographer and art director for portraits, wedding photos and commercial photography and is based in Hong Kong.